Wednesday 15 December 2010

escargots: an experience.

Sorry for the lack of recipes lately. It's finals week so I've been stuck on study mode (still am). Currently, I'm working to put together a post for macarons. Hopefully I'll have it ready before the end of this week.

Anyway, I've recently had my first encounter with escargots (aka land snails). I had to do a double take when the mom plopped the package of prepared escargots on the table upon her return from Costco (What don't they sell there. I'm super curious now) I stared and read the blue lettering twice or thrice just to make sure I read correctly. I wasn't disgusted or afraid since we also have our version of snail in Chinese cooking. It was just a sense of intrigue and wonder that slowly crept its way from my mind and to my stomach. I was very curious as to how it'll taste. Needless to say, after reading the directions, I heated the oven and quickly placed the the snails one by one onto a baking sheet and into the fiery inferno.

15minutes and a few burnt fingers later...

They were ready! Steaming hot and ready for eating. 

The escargots were filled with minced garlic and parsley butter, adding a burst of flavor to the otherwise bland flavor of the actual flesh. On the topic of the flesh, it was a bit on the chewy side and had a slightly sweet taste similar to that of seafood. The closest resemblance to this would be clam meat, both in texture and taste.

And here's what the flesh looks like. Gross! I know... haha. I tried to make it look as palatable as possible, but the green of the parsley killed it. But yeah, it's definitely worth a try if you've a chance to do so. =) Then you, too, can say that you've had escargot!

The shells were rather beautiful, so I decided to wash a few and use them as decorations.

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